Baps Bunny

Baps Bunny

Young and creative little trickster. Prank calls are her favorite thing! She learned to do impressions at a very young age and now she's a master at many known voices, such as Popeye, Woody the Woodpecker, Steve Buscemi, and Christopher Walken. Friends don't appreciate her impressions of them a lot of the time, but Baps likes to make everyone laugh, and never shies away from a joke. Laughter is the best medicine and the most fun pastime!

happy animation leporidae saphire johny buttoned baps_bunny
Owner: rondior
Born: 2020.04.01 20:03
Unique Icon
Total: 10
+3 +45% +10% +45% +3 - +4
3 3 2
Original Price: