

From the northern reaches of the world where winters are harsh and long, where frost winds blow relentlessly, comes the Berserker – a ruthless warrior that knows no mercy. He has an eye of an eagle and nose of a wolf – no creature can pass him without getting detected. Trained to be a perfect pathfinder and a fierce warrior, berserker has loyally served under his Jarl for more than fifteen years. He raided and plundered northern lands under Jarl’s command and made a name for himself. This hedgehog is a true beast, a foe to be reckoned with.

topaz hedge berserker wocscout mad lickedspikes teethed wizard hairychest
Born: 2019.08.01 15:47
Unique Icon
Total: 14
+5 +15% +5% +6 +9 - +10 +5%
-2 6 -2