Reindeer Vixen

Reindeer Vixen

As a Mixen Reindeer, Vixen was a unique creature, with a mix of both reindeer and fox-like features. They were known for their cunning and sly nature, able to outmaneuver any foe. In battle, they were a master of deception, able to lure their enemies into traps and ambushes. But despite their slyness, Reindeer Vixen had a strong sense of honor and loyalty to their friends. And when their skills were needed most, they were always ready to step up and fight for what was right.

mixenreindeer mythic
First: Hermann
Owner: Bobzy
Born: 2018.12.20 00:29
Unique Icon
Total: 77
+3 +20% +3 +20% +3 - +4
3 -3