

An ancient warrior, a king, a remnant of the race that no longer exists, forever bound to the will of those who keep the Balance. He goes by many names and is feared by all living beings of the known realms, for he is the one that starts the Final Battle riding on top of his red steed into it. They call him the Horseman, the Rider and the Bloodshed as he’s war incarnate. He’s neither good nor evil, but is both savage and honorable as his work is the dirty one. He shows no mercy and has no pity. Unyielding as time itself, Bloodshed always completes his job as he did countless times before, leaving nothing but a trail of blood, bones and rubble in his wake.

gaming unholy fluffytail mad bloodshed crystal cropped canis
Owner: Spigfun
Born: 2021.05.31 07:49
Unique Icon
Total: 15
+8 +1% +5 +20% +20% +10 - +11 +4%
3 -3 3 -3 5
Original Price:
BCUG 1137