Casino Warrior

Casino Warrior

A Jester of the casinos, the masked jokester of the gamblers. To some, it's just a good time and a belly-aching laugh, but to others, it's a messiah of Lady Luck. This Cutie is blessing those who win and punishes those who have lost way too much. If a Casino Warrior came your way, you better hope you've got a nice bag from a quick bet. If not, there's some bad news for you and your knee caps, sugar.

hairychest happy canidae aquamarine casinowarrior cheeky
Owner: DG Cutie
Born: 2021.05.13 21:33
Unique Icon
Total: 2
+2 +4% +6% +15% +3 +25% +5 - +6
2 1 1 2 1