Ice Queen

Ice Queen

Once a young adventurous mage, turned into a Queen of Ice. Keesh has always sought after knowledge to master the arcane arts of Ice, and the Ice King was the one who could provide her that oportunity. Many years she dove into ancient texts and history to narrow down the search for the true source of the elemental power of Ice. She knew she needed someone to help her kickstart her research and she found a man, who was looking for this blade of Frost. She didn't even blink to agree to lead the unsuspecting adventurer towards the Crypt of Frost in the Snowland. She hated the idea of leading him in this trap, but knowledge is the ultimate power, that sometimes requires sacrifices more than one can bare to voice.

canidae teethed topaz icequeen
Owner: Spigfun
Born: 2019.12.24 18:26
Unique Icon
Total: 1
+8 +5% +8% +5% +3 - +4
-1 9 1 1 -6
Original Price: