

Many believe, that Kumiho are evil shapeshifters, out to get you. But is that actually true? Is there a real sighting of their evil doings, or any victims? Not much is known about the mythical creature, yet a lot of speculation has been circulating around them. Perhaps, a rival mythical fox started a rumor to smear the reputation of all Kumihos out there? Guess we will never know the truth. One thing we know for sure. These adorable creatures strike genuine horror into the rest of the Cuties.

fireful canidae kumiho unholy hairychest ruby pop folklore
Owner: Capronicus
Born: 2021.12.16 21:21
Unique Icon
Total: 3
+4 +3% +4% Succubus Morbus 75% +5% +6 +5% +6 - +7
3 1 2 -2 5
Original Price: