Pale Horseman

Pale Horseman

One of the few remaining firstborn forever sworn to wear an executioner mask as a reminder of his deeds against his own people. A perfect epitome of the saying that nothing is forever. The pale one walks the realms reaping the souls of both fallen heroes and entire nations alike. He is believed to be one of the most fearsome creatures to ever roam this land, but to what end? Some say he’s searching the Cutieland for a powerful being whose time here is long overdue, while others believe him to be a general bad omen that brings the coming of a new age — an era of death, despair and destruction. While in time, the true motives of this Horseman shall be revealed, it’s definitely better to stay out of this way for now.

ruby traditional canidae mrstyle palehorseman gaming cheeky ducolor unholy
Born: 2021.06.21 14:36
Unique Icon
Total: 15
+5 +6 - +7 +11% +10% +25% +7% +5
4 -1 6 -1
Original Price:
BCUG 1137