Arachna Fox

Arachna Fox

As a Red Fox with Topaz eyes and Mr Style features, Arachna had always been a bit of a cheeky character. They were also extremely hairy chested with a fluffy tail and a cool mustache. When they discovered NFTs and blockchain games, Arachna knew that they had found their true calling. With their love for crypto and gaming, as well as their membership in the Hero Squad, there was no limit to what they could achieve.

herosquad topaz mrstyle fireful arachna tongued cheeky redfox fluffytail zemoustache hairychest canidae
Owner: SoulSoup
Born: 2019.07.16 20:39
Unique Icon
Total: 115
+4 +2% +8 +2% +4 - +5 +9%
2 -2 3