Web3 Developer

Web3 Developer

The ones ahead of the curve, the hype, and the excitement. Web3 devs are the Gabe Newels and Elon Musks of todays internet. These developers dive in head-first into uncharted territories of software development. Some remember the birth of the internet, but the new-gen developers were born into it, sculpted by web2 and all of its glory. A new era is upon us, and these bright minds are the ones leading the charge! There are no limits, just not enough coffee!

rarityrare hairychest canidae web3dev
First: Knorry
Born: 2022.09.21 15:48
Unique Icon
Total: 15
+2 +3% +8% +1% +2 +4 - +5
-3 3 -1 3 -2