BCU Changelog

  • Added Forgotten Dungeons to the Dungeon World List
  • Introduced a special riddle through Forgotten Dungeons
  • Added several Exclusive Backgrounds to the item pools in Forgotten Dungeons
  • Removed seasonal glyphs drop from regular adventures
  • Removed seasonal items from hot shop
July 10, 13:53
  • Fix, Back button didn't work correctly after clicking on Market link on item's page/tooltip
  • Fixed few UI/UX Issues on mobile device
  • Fix, link's redirection didn't work in item's tooltip in forge section
  • Fix, the cutie's name didn't change after clicking to the next one
  • Fix, items in the search filter were not displayed correctly
  • Added "View All Achievements" link in My Cuties page
June 27, 11:27
  • 1. Fixed an issue where sometimes items were dropped as non-personal
  • 2. Fixed an issue where sometimes items were dropped in dungeons that were not supposed to be dropped.
  • 3. Adjusted amounts of Silver dropped in some situations where it dropped much more than it was supposed to.
  • 4. Fixed an issue where Silver, Dynamite and other perishables could be taken outside of the Dungeon Run
  • 5. Fixed an issue where some items that should be available once in the dungeons were possible to gather with every run.
  • 6. Replaced some TNT Charges with less powerful ones where there was no need for such strong Charges
  • 7. Adjusted NPC balance in All Dungeons where NPCs will hit and pierce more often, but nerfed the NPC damage.
  • 8. Adjusted NPC positions in All Dungeons.
  • 9. Adjusted obstacle HP in some Infernum Dungeons.
June 21, 16:55
  • Fix, redirection didn't work after tapping on logo
  • Fix, "Show private key" didn't work on Polygon blockchain account page
  • Added warning pop up when all cuties are dead in Dungeon
  • Fixed "Validation failed" error after clicking on the placeholder on Mascot page
  • Optimized item application backend logic
  • Fixed incorrect redirection after clicking "Terms" and "Privacy" links
  • Optimized images in animation blocks on landing page
  • Fixed error notification when the cutie is dead in Dungeon
June 16, 13:07
  • Added Changelog page where you can see past patchnotes history
  • Added historical Blog page where you can read over 1000 articles about the game published on medium
  • Improvements for Dungeons Map Editor, should be less bugs now
  • Fix: items were added in incorrect order to the Forge process slots
  • Fix: the tooltip of blockchains blocked the fiat tooltip in Items Market
June 9, 19:03
  • Now showing notifications after picking up new items in Dungeons
  • Fixed error notification after visiting same raid boss page
  • Added Turkish language to the translations
  • Added new icons in header menu for mobile device
  • Fixed extra language dropdown in the footer on landing page
  • Fixed tooltip covering the cutie's image on Halls of Grumpy King adventure page
  • Fixed few bugs on mobile devices
May 18, 09:05
  • All web site page links now include language for regional SEO
  • Added creative descriptions to Uniques that lacked them
  • Fix: warning pop up appeared, when there was still some time left in Dungeons
  • When you lack some items to go to adventure or dungeon you'll now see a popup with detailed information instead of cryptic error message
May 17, 02:51
  • Improved SEO for Unique/Tribute details page
  • Fix: redirection on Raid boss page didn't work
  • Added SamuraiVS to partners on landing page
  • More Header Menu icons were drawn
  • Added 2nd Raid boss to Header Menu
  • Fix: Forge section was not highlighted with blue colour
May 10 16:04
  • Improved location background images
  • Fix, the image of the Standard Trader License was not centred in Hot Shop
  • Created new adventures that utilize dungeon energy as alternative
  • Fixed some UI issues on landing page
  • Fixed Dungeons Bug | Flying fake damage after entering a cell that used to hold a destroyed object
May 3, 10:40
  • Added missing attributes for deer
  • Fix, redirection in crafting recipes did not work correctly
  • Fix, the strip's animation in crafting progress was broken
  • Turned on visibility of all ingredients enchantment
  • Fix, "Back" button did not work on Raid boss page
  • Fix, there was no background image of relevant adventure in battle reports
  • Fix, the text in language selector is slipped down
  • Automated Lore addition as season progresses
April 27, 21:20
  • Season 9: Jotunheim continues!
  • Fixed lags after visiting My Cuties caused by achievements
  • Fixed incorrect page redirection in Forge section
  • Fixed broken item image on the Hallps of Grumpy King's Deep adventure page
  • Improved dungeon timeout ux
April 25, 16:55
  • Season 9: Jotunheim continues!
  • Added quick potion use buttons to the cutie page
  • Fixed inability to change player name if your email had a capital letter
  • Fixed raid boss battle report not opening due to an error
  • Reduced price drop rate for Spiked elixirs of youth
  • Removed easter lootbox from lottery rewards
April 21, 16:25
  • Season 9: Jotunheim continues!
  • EOS and Tron breeding fee reduced x2 times
  • Added missing breeding quests
  • Governance vote outcome: max breeds before Elixir of Life stops working reduced from 30 to 20
April 20, 14:38
  • Season 9: Jotunheim continues!
  • Preparations for EOS/Tron/Heco/Polygon breeding fee update
  • Fix, "Stage Clear" popup did not appear when you destroyed gate with a dynamite
  • Small dungeons UI improvements
  • Separated Tutorial from Regular Quests into two independent tabs
  • Set viewport scale on mobile to permanent 0.75 - more content should fit into the screen now
  • Various small bug fixes
April 20, 02:25
  • Season 9: Jotunheim continues!
  • Minting NEO3 cuties from eggs now costs 0.25 GAS to cover network fees
  • Cutieland got new inhabitants: the Deers race! Let's give them a warm welcome!
  • Dust from recycle and all items from adventures are now personal. To sell them you'll need a Trader License Subscription that comes with Season Pass or as a standalone offer in Hot Shop.
  • Larry the Worm joined the raids to help newbie players get their feet on the ground of Cutieland
  • Various improvements to dungeons, including brand new Winter World!
April 17, 22:18
  • Season 9: Jotunheim started, yay!
  • Cutieland got new inhabitants: the Deers race! Let's give them a warm welcome!
  • Dust from recycle and all items from adventures are now personal. To sell them you'll need a Trader License Subscription that comes with Season Pass or as a standalone offer in Hot Shop.
  • Larry the Worm joined the raids to help newbie players get their feet on the ground of Cutieland
  • Various improvements to dungeons, including brand new Winter World!
April 5, 13:13
  • Happy upcoming Easter! There is a surprise waiting you in the Hot Shop
  • Loosened the genome combination for undiscovered Fox/Lizard/Pig/Rabbit tributes - the looks should make more sense now
  • There will now be few rewards for first discovery of a new tribute: see Special Cuties Collection page
  • Improved Google button design
March 28, 18:47
  • Finally added support for personal dust/toolkits in forge enchant
  • More optimization to fight 503 ddos error
  • Individual item page now has all the buttons from the inventory page item popup
  • Google sign-in button redesign
  • Connected discord to in-game bugs chat
March 24, 13:01
  • Added google account authorization button for verified emails and new users
  • Forge Enchant default filter is now "no groups selected" instead of "all groups selected"
  • Removed sold out BCUG cuties on Special Sale
  • Allow to cancel crafting processes that get stuck due to limit
  • Cuties that already participated in the Red Devil raid will not be filtered out of the pagination, but will just be marked as "already participated"
March 21, 13:40
  • Cutie preview images are now hosted on a separate domain, should fully or partially eliminate 503 ddos errors
  • Fixed small time lag in Raid Boss timer
  • Added starter pack for new players
  • Fix: "Attach" Ethereum pop-up doesn't close
  • Fix: The Alien Invader boss image was not placed correctly on mobile device
  • Fix: The Raid Boss notification did not show the amount of earned CUTE coins
  • Improved Blockchain Account fokens list scrollbar styling
  • Fix: Cutie's link in breed activity directed to wrong parent's page
  • Increased blue pots drop pool restore rate in Windy Hills and The Desert
March 17, 04:49
  • Happy upcoming St Patrick day! Barrel of Wonders added to Hot Shop, breeding quests, lottery... New Shamrock Hat recipe added to Forge Crafting
  • Infrastructural update of items configuration - will be easier to add new content now
  • Optimized cutie image generation to fight the 503 ddos errors
  • Fixed languages select
  • Fixed cutie bio limit - it is now 4096 characters instead of 1024
March 13, 16:20
  • Big infrastructural update of Ethereum & Polygon chainlayers. Should fix eggs getting stuck.
  • Added progress bar with estimated time for pending cutie mints in Activity page
  • Added few new tributes to the game
  • The UI labels will now load independently from the game, showing "..." placeholder - should significantly speed up page load
  • Added support for Wallet Connect
  • Lengthy Cutie Bio should not get wrapped in the middle of the page anymore
  • Added loader to some components that took some time to get initialized
  • Fix: current active page was not highlighted in header menu
March 3, 16:56
  • Optimized adventure matchmaking, should significantly reduce the number of server problems caused by cutie sends by big players
  • Added Ultra Adventure Potion to the lvl 12 adventure rewards
  • Added more requirements to the alchemy of Dragon Juice
  • Fixed display issues in tournament Cutie selection from list. Good/bad elements on cutie stats will now be highlighted
  • Fixed: the name of the tab did not update after visiting another one
  • The raid boss name and icon in activities are now clickable - they lead to the raid boss page
  • Fixed footer looks
  • Reduced the amount of legacy code on ui, pages should load faster now
February 24, 21:30
  • Alien Invader and Red Devil raid bosses now use HP battle mechanic, fixed reports
  • Added 3 new potions to Forge Alchemy: Guilt, Innocence and Mini Energy Drink
  • Fixed error message appearing when clicking "View in Market" on mobile
  • Fixed possible cause of high server load that resulted in 503 error
  • Reduced D20 crit attack multiplier from x2 to x1.6, should make battles a bit more predictable
  • Gaining new level now gives you +1 max attack instead of +1 power
  • Removed a lot of dead code related to legacy battle reports, web pages should load a bit faster now
February 21, 17:17
  • Big infrastructural update of all links on the website. Browser Back button should work more consistently now and pages should load a bit faster
  • HP battle mechanic update: the bottom damage cap on every attack was changed from 0 to 1. You will now deal a bit of damage even if opponent's rolled defence was greater than your rolled attack.
  • Luna's dungeon boss attack was rescaled to reduce the amount of damage on crit and be more predictable. Also, consumable items that you can pickup in the dungeon were slightly changed to make second cutie more capable of reaching the boss in time.
  • Rabbit breeding quest that gives Anime Bracelets reward was returned to normal appearane chance and objectives
February 15, 13:26
  • Happy Valentines! You can find two new Uniques on the Special Sale
  • Also few parts of a new Lunar Marine set were scattered across the game in the name of Love and Justice
  • Cuties born from Hot Shop eggs are now GEN8 instead of GEN10
  • Dungeon Clear activities now show remaining HP and the gained experience of the Cuties
  • There are few new Regular Quests
  • When you send a single Cutie to an adventure, the system will now try to match it instantly when possible instead of placing in a queue. It should not be that bad anymore when Jim sends his army.
  • Alt-accounts will not get matched anymore when sending Cuties to adventures
  • Fixed header menu entries text getting cut
  • Pending Cutie mints will now be observable on the My Cuties in addition to Activities page
February 14, 01:49
  • Happy Valentines! You can find two new Uniques on the Special Sale
  • Cuties born from Hot Shop eggs are now GEN8 instead of GEN10
  • Dungeon Clear activities now show remaining HP and the gained experience of the Cuties
  • There are few new Regular Quests
  • When you send a single Cutie to an adventure, the system will now try to match it instantly when possible instead of placing in a queue. It should not be that bad anymore when Jim sends his army.
  • Alt-accounts will not get matched anymore when sending Cuties to adventures
  • Fixed header menu entries text getting cut
  • Pending Cutie mints will now be observable on the My Cuties in addition to Activities page
February 10, 20:19
  • Added Unstoppable Domains login provider
  • Elixir of Fortitude should not be offered for use on cuties that won't benefit from it anymore
  • Fixed login blockchain list scrolling on mobile devices
  • Upgraded web app compilation infrastructure. Pages should load slightly faster now.
  • ̶G̶e̶n̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶d̶i̶f̶f̶e̶r̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶t̶w̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶s̶ ̶b̶o̶n̶u̶s̶ ̶A̶t̶t̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶t̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶P̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ ̶
February 9, 22:26
  • Added Unstoppable Domains login provider
  • Elixir of Fortitude should not be offered for use on cuties that won't benefit from it anymore
  • Fixed login blockchain list scrolling on mobile devices
  • Upgraded web app compilation infrastructure. Pages should load slightly faster now.
February 5, 07:52
  • Introduced the concept of "Farming" labeled items. Items like Silver Bracelet, that don't affect any battle stats and only increase Exp/Drop will now give you an attack bonus when fighting specifically against an NPC (when Looking for Foe times out)
  • Increased Recycle dust reward of Aristocracy elixir
  • Added some basic potion recipes to the Forge Alchemy tab
  • You can now see adventure Cutie level difference drop chance reduction on the Cutie page under adventure buttons
  • Now showing possible rewards before you start a dungeon. Also Dungeons are now included in the list of supply sources in the item tooltip
  • Adventure potions now also remove part of remaining cooldown time if Cutie is healing
February 2, 19:06
  • Increased Recycle dust reward of Aristocracy elixir
  • Added some basic potion recipes to the Forge Alchemy tab
  • You can now see adventure Cutie level difference drop chance reduction on the Cutie page under adventure buttons
  • Now showing possible rewards before you start a dungeon. Also Dungeons are now included in the list of supply sources in the item tooltip
  • Adventure potions now also remove part of remaining cooldown time if Cutie is healing
February 1, 23:54
  • Improved loot in the past Halloween dungeons
  • Reduced cost of Finish Now in Forge Recycle
  • Recycle dust reward for Elixir of Life increased once again
  • Added achievement to collect 20 Unholy special cuties
  • Few improvements to the Referral page
  • Exhaustion defence debuff now scales with level. Lower level cuties will suffer less from it, while higher level cuties - more. See adventure cooldown popup.
  • New dungeon consumable available in silver shop: Speed Powder. It reduces action cooldown.
  • Underpowered NPCs in adventures were rebalanced - it should now be a challenge to beat them even on higher levels
  • Reordered items to respect chronology of seasons and to hide past season junk items from the inventory
  • Added various helpful buttons in inventory item popup: "Craft" on ingredients, "Hatch" on eggs, "Enchant" on toolkits, etc...
January 31, 19:28
  • New dungeon consumable available in silver shop: Speed Powder. It reduces action cooldown.
  • Underpowered NPCs in adventures were rebalanced - it should now be a challenge to beat them even on higher levels
  • Optimized item images - they should load faster on devices with slow internet now
  • Optimized cutie background images - they should load faster on devices with slow internet now
  • Reordered items to respect chronology of seasons and to hide past season junk items from the inventory
  • Added various helpful buttons in inventory item popup: "Craft" on ingredients, "Hatch" on eggs, "Enchant" on toolkits, etc...
  • Upgraded WoC marketing pages to the new framework
  • Fixed adventure battle report share link
  • Added legacy NEO filter on My Cuties (to help mass-migrate them to N3)
  • Fixed luck/evasion calculation that was apparent in Neo vs Hikami battles
  • Improved rewards in some quests, introduced enhanced Elixir of Fortitude item
January 26, 20:09
  • Recycling Elixir of Life now gives you 1-200 dust per item instead of 1-10. Greater red pots recycle rewards also increased.
  • Rescaled Cutie HP from 40 + 20 per level to 72 + 12 per level (80 + 11 per level for bears)
  • Adventure Cooldown at Ironlike is now 30 seconds instead of 1 minute
  • Tutorial cutie max level increased from 5 to 6
  • Reduced the number of breeds needed for breeding quests and increased their blue pots rewards
  • Added few good blue pots pickup items in dungeons #4 and #5. Rebalanced few NPCs and destructibles.
  • Cutie egg purchases now give you 5 Grand Adventure Potions in addition to the egg
  • Increased experience gained from high level adventures (should be now easier to reach 10th level and higher)
  • You can now see your and opponent's Elo rating in Fight Club
January 20, 11:22
  • Tavern adventure now uses HP Battle Mechanic
  • Cuties with adventure cooldown below Ironlike will now get their Defence stat reduced by 1 for every 2 steps
  • Added few better rewards in some dungeons
  • You can now click on item icon in many places to open dialog with description (on mobile as well!)
  • Added a bit of animation to Fight Club. Also it will now always show your Cutie on the left.
  • Added new item: Constitution consumable. It increases your Cutie's HP for few battles. Is rewarded for some of the Regular quests.
  • Improved settings form UI
January 17, 11:44
  • Implemented general Unbinding page in forge that allows making any Personal item. Requires Standard Trader License Subscription.
  • OKC Blockchain Launched! Grab new Cuties here
  • Few UX improvements for new players
  • Optimizing the storage of Players and Cuties data, should improve overall performance slightly
January 13, 16:15
  • Patchnotes
  • OKC Blockchain Launched! Grab new Cuties here
January 10, 23:43
  • Implemented retroactive computable achievements system (new achievements on My Cuties page)
  • Added Collection attribute filtering to the Special Cuties Collection page
  • Now showing recent medium posts from landing in the banners carousel on My Cuties
  • Upgraded notification messages to modern framework
January 6, 12:48
  • Fixed min stats formula to be not less than 0 for 1-2lvl and 1 for 3lvl items. Lvl 1 items should not have negative stats anymore
  • Added some Collection attributes to a number of Uniques/Tributes: Science, Unholy, HeroSquad, JapaneseHeroes, Folklore, History, Gaming, Animation, Cinema
  • A pack of improvements of new player experience: updated UX of registration form and tutorial steps
  • NPC in Windy Hills will now always have same GEN as your Cutie
  • Power bonus is now included in Attack/Defence stats instead of being displayed as a separate stat
  • Updated the UI support of item tag-based Season Buff
  • Upgraded Raid Bosses list page to new framework, shold become easier to fix bugs now
January 6, 12:15
  • Added some Collection attributes to a number of Uniques/Tributes: Science, Unholy, HeroSquad, JapaneseHeroes, Folklore, History, Gaming, Animation, Cinema
  • A pack of improvements of new player experience: updated UX of registration form and tutorial steps
  • NPC in Windy Hills will now always have same GEN as your Cutie
  • Power bonus is now included in Attack/Defence stats instead of being displayed as a separate stat
  • Updated the UI support of item tag-based Season Buff
  • Upgraded Raid Bosses list page to new framework, shold become easier to fix bugs now
December 28, 2022, 20:24
  • Fixed Dungeon Elemental attack pop-up buttons being displayed incorrectly
  • Now crit/evasion/immunity bonuses stack multiplicatively rather than additively. Details here.
  • Implemented functionality for infinite dungeons to get harder with each iteration
  • Dungeons AV | using Dynamite now produces sound
  • Dungeons AV | using Healing Potion now produces sound
  • Improved UX in dungeon silver topup popup
December 22, 2022, 18:14
  • Dungeons UX | you can now give commands to cuties even while cooldown is still in progress
  • You can now topup silver for crypto in a Dungeon session for a limited number of times
  • Implemented support for Season Buff in Dungeons
  • Now using item tag based system for Season Buff definition, showing an indicator on tournaments, dungeons, adventures, bosses where season buff applies
  • Removed a lot of dead code related to Raid Bosses, web pages should load faster now
December 19, 2022, 11:00
  • Changed battle type of Tavern to HP
  • Dungeon consumable item tooltip now includes details on how much HP/damage/seconds does it give/remove
  • Raid Boss page rewritten to modern framework. Should be much easier to extend it and fix bugs now.
  • Fix, one of halloween milestone bonuses was missed out (Osiris' Atef enchant +1)
  • Implemented system of dynamically generated Dungeons tilemaps from predefined blocks (actual dungeons using this system are still yet to be released)
December 14, 2022, 11:24
  • Halloween event milestone bonuses are now in effect
  • Dungeon World Shop offer prices reduced to make it more justified to spend gold
  • Fixed elemental attack animation getting interrupted if you do other action simultaneously
  • Prolonging time in Dungeons now gives 4 extra minutes instead of 3
  • Dungeon Minor Healing Potion now restores 25 HP instead of 20
December 9, 2022, 22:30
December 7, 2022, 07:53
  • CoinEx Smart Chain is live. The new dynasty starters are here
  • Fix, page was scrolled to the middle after clicking on "next" button in Items Market
  • Now showing just the usd equivalent in Offchain Market Item Kinds search instead of list of all currencies, as the list grew rather large by now
  • Dungeons UX: now a popup with options to exit or prolong time will be shown if you try to make an action after timer expired
  • Dungeons UX: the volume of ticking sound when there is less than 1 minute left was lowered by 8 decibeles
December 1, 2022, 17:52
  • CoinEx Smart Chain launch. The new dynasty starters are here
  • Infrastructural update for different color themes support on the web site
  • Fixed UI and network lags in Dungeons
  • Aded more sounds to the Dungeons
  • Add few new tributes to the game
  • Special Cuties Collection page now shows which of cuties you have
  • Significant optimization of initial page load and refresh
  • Removed Daevosotan season extra crafting slot
  • Now submitting cuties with bio to google
  • Fixed body item - Templar Armor
  • Fix, screen was grayed out after clicking on "Go to item market" button shown when "Use Item" list is emptty
  • Now excluding cuties that do not match level requirement from list when using item
  • Implemented environmental lava brushes in Dungeons editor for GD to speedup new stages development
December 1, 2022, 15:25
  • CoinEx Smart Chain launch. The new dynasty starters are here
November 22, 2022, 12:43
  • Regular adventures battle system changed to the HP mechanic
  • Regular quests to buy/sell something will not be counted if other transaction party is related to you, as otherwise it was possible to abuse system by selling to your alt account
  • Added player avatar with link to Dungeons stage highscores
  • Cutie drop chance bonus now works in Dungeons drop rolls. If multiple cuties participate, the effective bonus is the average between their bonuses
  • Cutie exp bonus now works in Dungeons
  • Fix, items range stats were shown incorrectly when max attack/defence is 0
  • Added new achievement for winning in Fight Club 40 times
  • Added core functionality of Ready for Adventure page to My Cuties page
  • Optimized page load speed by making different blockchain libraries load on demand
  • Featured cutie description is now displayed on your Profile page. Clicking on the icon leads to the cutie page
  • Fix, wrong damage number was displayed when cutie move from an NPC. Dying cuties will now leave a puddle of blood
  • Profile links preview in social media will now show your featured cutie image and description if any
November 16, 2022, 21:22
  • Dungeon stages rebalanced, past season drop removed
  • Halloween event prolonged by 7 days
  • Ethereum support upgraded, now MetaMask automatically offers to switch network when you try to do an Ethereum transaction. The UI inconsistencies like infinite loaders on the buttons should be fixed now.
  • (previously on Blockchain Cuties) Item attack/defence ranges updated after initial feedback. Details in medium.
November 15, 2022, 20:03
  • Item attack/defence ranges updated after initial feedback. Details in medium.
November 11, 2022, 15:48
  • Now showing active latest progress achievements on the My Cuties page
  • Improved Fight Club leaderboard, statistics should not be written when you fight with your other account anymore, will void existing leaderboard positions that got rank through multi-accounting
  • Added nice button on cutie page for Tributes/Uniques that will lead to details in Special Cutie Colection
  • Eliminated few code circular dependencies, server should have less issues during restart now
November 9, 2022, 21:26
  • Enabled Oasis/Emerald Creator Cutie mint
  • Added option to disable sounds in Dungeon Menu
  • Dungeons UX | now revealing one extra tile above NPC so that fog of war did not cover the head
  • Positive stats are now hightlighted with green, while negative with red in item tooltip: for better distinction in ranges
  • Fixed slow UI response on mobile in Dungeons on large stages
  • Added a simple attack animation in Dungeons
  • Increased effect of elemental attack in Dungeons
  • Added one more regular quest for Fight Club to the pool
November 9, 2022, 19:36
  • Added option to disable sounds in Dungeon Menu
  • Dungeons UX | now revealing one extra tile above NPC so that fog of war did not cover the head
  • Positive stats are now hightlighted with green, while negative with red in item tooltip: for better distinction in ranges
  • Fixed slow UI response on mobile in Dungeons on large stages
  • Added a simple attack animation in Dungeons
  • Increased effect of elemental attack in Dungeons
  • Added one more regular quest for Fight Club to the pool
November 7, 2022, 20:08
  • Dealt with Dungeons OS clock desync that caused either too long or too short cooldowns leading to "Cutie is still on cooldown" error in auto-attack. The system will now estimate your clock offset within 30 seconds after page load and cooldown time should become correct without need to sync your time settings with internet.
  • Rescaled cutie exhaustion cooldown (Ironlike->Powerless) effect in Dungeons from 2s, 3s, 4s, etc... to 2s, 2.25s, 2.5s, etc...
  • The system will now offer you to prolong the Dungeon session if you did not collect all loot in the stage
  • Passing near an NPC in Dungeons will now be punished by x1-4 of it's attack damage instead of x1
  • Implemented attack/defence ranges and balanced out overpowered items like Cyberpunk Girl set. Affects only HP-based battles (Tournaments, Dungeons). Note, new stat values are subject to change.
  • Fix, new level gained from exp for clearing a Dungeons stage did not progress you towards next level even when you reached 100%
  • Few UI improvements to make Dungeons World Shop simpler
  • Removed legacy NEO support from server, should slightly improve performance
  • Optimized caching of data APIs, there should be less lags now when opening a page
November 7, 2022, 18:58
  • Dealt with Dungeons OS clock desync that caused either too long or too short cooldowns leading to "Cutie is still on cooldown" error in auto-attack. The system will now estimate your clock offset within 30 seconds after page load and cooldown time should become correct without need to sync your time settings with internet.
  • Rescaled cutie exhaustion cooldown (Ironlike->Powerless) effect in Dungeons from 2s, 3s, 4s, etc... to 2s, 2.25s, 2.5s, etc...
  • The system will now offer you to prolong the Dungeon session if you did not collect all loot in the stage
  • Removed legacy NEO support from server, should slightly improve performance
  • Few UI improvements to make Dungeons World Shop simpler
  • Passing near an NPC in Dungeons will now be punished by x1-4 of it's attack damage instead of x1
  • Optimized caching of data APIs, there should be less lags now when opening a page
  • Fix, new level gained from exp for clearing a Dungeons stage did not progress you towards next level even when you reached 100%
October 26, 2022, 16:07
  • Beta release of the Dungeons
  • Header Menu with most pages is now available without login. Grouped some rarely used pages into sub-entries.
  • Discord chat sync improvements
  • Fixed "Migrate" button appearance on legacy NEO cuties even if you are not the owner
  • New users will now be offered few cuties from the Marketplace in addition to tutorial one
October 13, 2022, 14:53
  • CUTE coin earned from raid bosses now can be spent in Hot Shop without making an Ethereum transaction
  • Elixir of Life update: after Cutie reaches a milestone of 30 Breeds, the breeding cooldown can only be reduced with the Ultra Elixir of Life
  • Lottery popup UI update
  • Implemented support for new kind of Energy Drink that will restore a specific amount of time rather than full cooldown. Stay tuned.
  • Further development of Dungeons
October 11, 2022, 14:46
  • Added avatars to chat and raid leaderboard
  • Added a separate page for every achievement
  • Now showing the # number on cutie cards in Special Sale
  • Fixed a bug with personal items when you tranfer a Cutie as a gift
  • Upgraded EOS Private Key CPU confirmation popup to dark theme, should make it's behaviour more consistent
October 7, 2022, 11:27
  • Exclusive Emerald blockchain lottery with valuable prizes launched
  • Beta support for avatars enabled. You can now set your featured cutie as profile image avatar. The operation is free at time being, but it will be a premium feature in future, grab while it's hot!
  • Upgraded Halloween page. Who knows, maybe it will be used soon...
October 5, 2022, 11:15
  • Emerald blockchain launched!
October 4, 2022, 11:24
  • Referral payouts now include 10% commission from Unique Cutie purchases from Special Sale by your invitees (applicable only to upgraded purchase popup with "Deposit Purchase" title)
  • Returned season uniques purchase options, they are meant to stay till season end
  • Participating in lottery now costs approximately 1 extra cent (more on blockchains with costly transaction fees). Intended to eliminate bots and make it possible to define more valuable rewards in future updates, stay tuned.
September 29, 2022, 17:19
  • New Raid Boss is here!
  • It will now be possible to use backgrounds from past bosses
  • Improved onboarding: new user will now fight in an interactive fight before registration to make the experience more entertaining
  • Many item operations, like crafting, lottery reward distribution, etc... are now logged in the activities with more details
  • Further development of Dungeons system
September 26, 2022, 15:12
  • BC-2839 Bring email login back
  • BC-2779 Offchain currency EOS support
  • BC-2938 New seasonal Raid Boss
  • BC-2780 Blockchains popup UI rework
  • BC-2830 Deposit page UX update
  • BC-2931 Fix: CyberpunkW set Bear Paw
  • BC-2926 Fix: Remove from 10k NEO Cutie "Treen" attribute
  • BC-2802 Fix: EOS incorrect siring activity
September 20, 2022, 22:39
  • NEO 3 is now supported
  • For all your Neo migration needs please check the guide!
September 20, 2022, 16:37
  • Now displaying Accessory items on Unique/Tribute Cuties (when reasonable)
  • Header menu is now using dark theme
  • Adventure energy countdown now restarts after every charge instead of just showing "Charge"
  • UI improvements for elemental attack in Dungeons
September 7, 2022, 00:27
  • Fixed "Show Stats" checkbox inconsistency
  • Optimized cutie list preview card image generation. Should significantly reduce load on server and make cutie images load faster
  • Fixed grid pattern positioning blocking the item use button
  • Now email confirmation is required for claiming a tutorial cutie
  • Fixed missing effect info on immunity potions and added more details in cutie buffs icons
  • Attempt to remove pettyicemonster attribute from CursedSoul cuties
  • Further Dungeons development
August 31, 2022, 17:21
  • Fixed inconsistencies in BCUG/CUTE shop tabs behaviour
  • Fixed lands presale pages rendering empty
  • Daena and other set fixes
  • Further dungeons development
August 25, 2022, 09:50
  • Addressing the reports of group sending taking the energy, but not sending the cuties
  • Fixed Raid Boss page main button not rendering correctly on iOS
  • Further development of the Dungeons
  • Modernized the Mascot page
August 22, 2022, 13:53
  • Added Elo leaderboard in Fight Club (only PvP matches are counted)
  • Various Dungeons system upgrades
  • Remodelled web site header markup, it should not conflict with Forge tabs and other content when "Season 8 is here" promoline appears anymore. The page scrollbar now belongs only to the body, not the header.
August 17, 2022, 14:09
  • Reworked backgrounds system should not anymore be situations when applying wallpaper has no effect
  • Fixed broken images on the Special Cuties Collection page silhouettes
  • Clicking on ingredient in Crafting now leads to recipes that produce them when applicable
  • Fix, Forge repair wrongly showed the time multiplied by stack quantity in the popup even though it only repairs one unit at a time
  • Finish-Now is now possible in Forge Recycle
  • Fix, season points info tooltip on Season page can now be closed
  • Now using retina-friendly images for Usable/Equipable icons
  • Fix, login pop-up can now be closed (IOS/Android)
  • Implemented referral payouts friendly and more reliable Unique purchase system, to be used in future sales
  • Moved Special sale to the Market place sub-menu
  • Improved looks of the Top-Up button in shop
  • Simplified lootbox purchase popup, now grouping same items
  • Dungeons UI improvements
July 31, 2022, 13:33
  • Added Season Adventures
  • Added Season Quests
  • Added Season Crafting Recipes
  • Added Season Tournaments
  • Added Season Raid Boss
  • Added Season 8 Subtab to Hot Shop
  • Added New Unique Cuties to the Special Sale page
  • Added Creator Bench to Forge dropdown submenu menu
  • Unbinding is now a separate category in the Forge
  • Added an option to purchase an additional temporary Forge slot
  • Last season's glyphs became depleted
  • New glyphs for the creator bench are added to the game
  • Added PawCoins to the quests rewards
  • Decreased the number of trading quests
  • Added different images for different tournament types
July 29, 2022, 17:43
  • Now showing All Time High above the price on Hot Shop offers
  • Added support for yet-to-come item-based requirements for extra forge Recycle/Repair slots
  • Now using web3j gas estimation API instead of hardcap for Ethereum and Polygon server-produced transactions. Should hopefully make cutie crafting from token more reliable.
  • It is now possible to open season page without login
  • It is now possible to open adventure pages without login
  • It is now possible to open tournaments list without login
  • It is now possible to open achievements page without login
  • The "Participate" button in Lottery popup is now clickable and leads to the Blockchains page when you have no blockchains attached
  • Fix, image was displayed incorrectly in the "Make Sell/Buy order" pop-up (Offcahin Market)/ IOS
  • Fix, "Get Tutorial Pet" block was dipslayed incorretly on mobile
  • Preparations for future support of Unique Cutie purchases to be counted in referral payouts program
July 18, 2022, 09:38
  • Added custom social media preview cards for various pages in the game
  • Removed MEET.ONE EOS login option
  • Fix, removed empty USD price tooltip in Paw Shop purchase confirmation popup
  • Bumped client typescript version from 3.8.3 to 4.7.4, the code will have less bugs now
  • Cleanup of attributes in database, should not affect the game anyhow
  • Fix, mascot sliding error and popup did not open
  • Fix, claiming achievement duplicated achievements in the select achievement list
July 12, 2022, 15:46
  • Implemented bots for interactive fights - the button to match with a bot will appear on matchmaking page
  • Optimized attributes search indexing, server sould restart faster now
  • "Select Achievement" pop-up was displayed incorrectly (IOS)
  • Fix, some players did not receive enough cuties from eggs when slider value in crafting was more than 1. The eggs should be returned shortly, the slider should work properly now.
July 8, 2022, 15:10
  • Added separate pages for every fancy, accessible from Tribute List page
  • Interactive Battles UX and balance improvements
  • Simplified web site startup process, should be more efficient now
  • Various pages shared as direct link will now prompt guest users for login
  • Improved styling of Social network buttons in the footer
  • Item page can now be opened without logging in
  • BC-3685 Update battle button
  • UI: Now supporting unlimited number of blockchains in the login popup tab
July 5, 2022, 13:28
  • Increased referral percent from 5% to 10%. See latest plans here
  • Initial launch of an interactive rock-paper-scissors like battles, accessible from new Fight Club button in My Cuties
  • Now displaying the name of the adventure when Cutie is looking for FOE
  • Added referral info block to the landing page
  • Simplified the configuration ef new adventures related to round icons, should be less mistakes
  • Fixed random error that happened after visiting My Cuties after lands presale page
  • Fixed header menu sometimes covering the forge tabs
  • Fixed inonsistent app behaviour on navigation between pages, some resources cleanup was in order, but did not take place
July 4, 2022, 16:52
  • Added new cutie to Uniques store
July 4, 2022, 11:07
  • Increased referral percent from 5% to 10%. See latest plans here
  • Initial launch of an interactive rock-paper-scissors like battles, accessible from new Fight Club button in My Cuties
  • Now displaying the name of the adventure when Cutie is looking for FOE
  • Added referral info block to the landing page
  • Simplified the configuration ef new adventures related to round icons, should be less mistakes
  • Fixed random error that happened after visiting My Cuties after lands presale page
June 28, 2022, 19:12
  • Governance Vote: Made Elixir of Life x50 times more rare in drop tables and added crafting options of higher tiers of Elixirs of Life from lower tier ones
  • Upgraded Header Profile Menu to dark theme
  • Improved efficiency of email confirmations during new user registration
  • Finished Dungeon Map Editor tool (relevant only for admins for now)
June 17, 2022, 12:24
  • Added creator-born indicator icon on cutie page
  • Brought back quick potion use button to My Cuties
  • Should now display item image in social media links preview cards
  • Added "Get More" button on lootboxes when available
June 14, 2022, 19:11
  • Optimized My Cuties, should work much faster, especially for players with thousands of cuties
  • Added "Open Next" button in loot boxes
  • Referral payouts system enabled now
  • Added "Consumables" in recycle
  • Added USD price equivalent tooltip to Hot Shop purchase confirmation popup
  • Removed season buffs from UI
  • Removed the inner frame from the attributes search box
  • Fixed achievements system problems found by Jose
  • Improved new players analytics
  • Optimized _Marketplace -> All_ count retrieval
  • Made user name in Season Leaderboard clickable link
June 10, 2022, 18:37
  • Finalizing crafting graceful period
June 8, 2022, 21:42
  • Referral system upgrade (launched in admin testing mode for now)
  • Item rows in offchain market navigation are now actual links openable in new tab
  • Now showing list of pending cutie mint processes on the activities page (from tokens/eggs/purchases), should make it more transparent what happens with blockchain transactions get stuck
  • You can now see how many times was Cutie bred on it's page
  • Updated meta tags title for twitter
  • Preparations for Sahmael eyes crafting
  • Added a "Max" button for Buy Order Filings
  • Fixed, accidentally clicking near adventure image resulted in send
  • UI fixes for Deposit block in Offchain Currency (IOS/Android)
  • Season recipes bookkeeping
June 1, 2022, 16:16
  • Improved handling of user sessions, should slightly speed up all operations in the game
  • Fixed game links preview cards rendering in social apps
  • Fixed daily quests progress not getting counted from adventure drop
  • Fixed drop in Dragon Lair, it had both Drop Pool and legacy drop configured by accident
  • Fixed: Hell Walker was displayed incorrectly in Crafting Requirements
  • Improved speed of Hot Shop
  • Optimezed database operations in Dungeons (relevant only for admins for now)
May 24, 2022, 16:52
  • Implemented bulk buy/sell orders execution for an entered price and quantity (limit orders). You can now specify price that surpasses an exising counter-order to execute everything covered by the limit in a a bulk.
  • Some links in Login News Popup can be made open in new tab now
  • Upgraded Raid Boss Energy Purchase Popup to dark theme
  • Optimized the retrieval of "quantity left" field in Timed Crafting
  • Removed all circular dependencies on UI, the code will have less bugs in future ^_^
  • Removed a lot of old unused UI parts of the system, the game should load a bit faster now
May 19, 2022, 18:38
  • Fixed broken Cutie Preview image on Faomori Soldier and other custom art cuties
  • Fixed confirmation emails not coming for some players
  • Added some unbinding recipes with bigger scale
  • Added info block for Eggs Hot Shop section
  • Fixed reported issue of drinking blue pots with slow internet sometimes resulting in the consumed amount not match the effective cooldown change
  • Updated Buy/Sell Order placement popup in preparation for bulk orders execution
  • Removed legacy server ping, should reduce load
  • Reformatted frontend code on the whole project, should not have any effect on the game
  • Implemented elemental attacks in dungeons (relevant only for admins for now)
May 16, 2022, 23:20
  • Now updating displayed cutie cooldown at once when you drink potions using quick use panel
  • Finally fixed the inconsistency in display order of raid leaderboard for urers that dealt same damage. The user who dealt the last blow earlier is ranked higher.
  • Improved raid leaderboard load speed
  • Added separate My Orders tab that lists your Offchain Market positions
  • Upgraded EOS Attach/Merge popup
  • Improved experience for when you purchase same position multiple times in Hot Shop
  • Improved experience during server restarts, should require page refresh less often
  • UI Fix: buttons were cut off on the Buy Orders and Sell orders (IOS/Android)
  • Improved the UI for when you browse the menu without being logged in
  • Optimized cutie search by attributes
  • Regular adventures are now using Drop Pools system same as season adventures
  • Removed redundant old web3 lib, the game should load a bit faster now
May 9, 2022, 09:01
  • Now displaying candlestick chart on items market
  • "Cancel" button in forge activities now gets locked after first click
  • Improved disabled button hover tooltip to dark theme on Hot Shop page
  • User hould not be able to use "Cloth hanger" anymore on cuties who don't have any clothes or equipment
  • Websocket notifications optimization, should require page refresh for notifications to resume working less often
  • Fixed: cutie names were displayed in wrong order on the Breeding pop-up
  • Fixed: personal items were hidden on the Breeding pop-up
  • Now showing extra "Item used" activity in addidion to "Item replaced" when another same type item gets equipped on cutie
  • Server optimizations
  • Fixed: tutorial started to pop up even if you already completed it
May 3, 2022, 09:57
  • Fixed raids cutie stats inconsistencies: now always collecting up-to-date cutie stats in new cutie lists (Raid, Marketplace -> All)
  • Fixed: Upgradeable BG was not possible to be changed.
  • Updated wiki link
  • Tutorial is not limited to attaching Tron blockchain specifically anymore, new players can attach any blockchain to compete the step
  • Moved Distilled/Spiked Elixirs for Pawcoins to Paw Shop tab
  • Added top up+ button for offchain currencies
  • Now collecting data for offchain market candles chart
  • Removed "Recycle Started" activity
  • Fixed: Missing x25 energy shop offer for the Sahmael boss
  • Added a Kitsune "More Cuties" button on the My Cuties page
  • Fixed: Cuties disappeared from group when new group was created
  • Removed redundant "Show blockchain" dropdown from Paw Shop
  • Improved styling on some pages
  • Implemented timing mechanics for completing a dungeon stage (available only for admins for now)
April 25, 2022, 11:27
  • Added "Turn off battle notifications" checkbox in Settings
  • Fixed invisible LostSoul cuties
  • Improved email confirmation API performance, should make life easier for new players
  • Removed piece of code that possibly was the catalyst of DDoS attacks
  • Now highlighting the actual missing items in crafting popup when there are any
  • Combined items-related page into single set of tabs
  • Fixed, Matic tab was not fully colored when scrolling the login pop-up (Android)
April 20, 2022, 16:33
  • A major imporvement to the UX of sending cuties to raid boss
  • Changelly Birthday cutie preparation
  • Some Easter content added
  • Dungeons UI improvements Stage #2 (relevant only for admins for now)
  • Focus only on items that are missing in the crafting error popup
April 14, 2022, 18:51
  • Optimized Season Leaderboard retrieval, should reduce the times when the game is slow
  • Implemented a news popup on login for stuff like notifying about important medium articles, game events, etc...
  • Fixed: Social media icons were displayed vertically with keyboard after Sign up (Android)
  • Fixed: List was not closed after choosing variable and user was not able to see re-direction in lands presale store
  • Unified cutie-related pages into single tabs list
  • Small infrastructural update to Polygon integration, should not have any effect
  • Now locking cuties that were sent to a dungeon till they are back (relevant only to admins for now)
April 12, 2022, 15:27
  • Enabled Demonic Eireen and other cutie crafting from tokens
  • Now displaying USD price per unit when you hover on the order in Spot Trade page
  • Fixed: wallet icon went behind the text in NEO tab/ Login pop-up (IOS/Android)
  • Fixed: validation error was displayed after visiting HECO Sale page (mobile version)
  • Fixed: the tooltip slided out after hovering the mouse over the cutie craft token icon
  • Fixed: tooltip was not fully displayed in Sign Up (IOS/Android)
  • Partially upgraded EOS to chainlayer infrastructure, against issues like "checksum mismatch"
  • Dungeons: now it's only allowed to use the Dynamite on destructibles that are next to a cutie (only for admins for now)
April 8, 2022, 16:44
  • Now showing USD equivalent in Hot Shop
  • Fixed, link to items market from personal item in "Can be found in" lead to a broken page
  • Fixed, images were stuck together in the "Use item" pop-up (Android)
  • Fixed, Share Cutie link was displayed incorrectly (IOS/Android)
  • Optimized cutie image assets build process on server startup
  • Improved infrastructure of the server deployment process
  • Implemented negation item requirements rule (not used in anywhere in the game yet)
  • Improved error reporting
  • Dungeons: NPC should now launch an attack on the cutie when it attempts to leave the tile (only for admins for now)
  • Dungeons: implemented GOLD Shop (only for admins for now)
March 30, 2022, 14:21
  • Now showing the number of cuties waiting for battle in the adventure
  • Added item info tooltip icon in offchain market items search
  • Improved the accuracy of tron energy fee read from network. Should show more sensible max energy fee now.
  • Improved looks of attributes completion popup
  • Fixed: filters are not saved when switching between pages on Offchain Market
  • Fixed: extra icons were displayed for user when login-pop is opened
  • Fixed: "Cutie is healing" block was displayed incorrectjy on Android
  • Reduced the number of circular dependencies in the old code. Should not affect you in any way ^_^
  • Implemented consumable dungeon items (only for admins for now)
  • Implemented dungeon Party Shop (only for admins for now)
  • Moved all PAW lots from the old shop to the new Hot Shop
  • Renamed the old link "Paw Shop" to "Shop ($CUTE, $BCUG)"
  • Added direct link to new Paw Shop
March 22, 2022, 19:06
  • Fixed: Season level rewards scroll was few dozens levels off when you opened season page and your level was below 50 (especially on mobile)
  • Now showing total price USD equivalent in Buy/Sell order take forms, not only on the create forms
  • Fixed missing Recharger requirement for yellow energy cells crafting
  • Implemented support for Item Sell quests, not only dust Item Buy (no quests configured yet though)
  • Implemented Dungeon Party Items (Equipment/Loot) concepts (only for admins for now)
March 22, 2022, 14:20
  • Fixed: Season level rewards scroll was few dozens levels off when you opened season page and your level was below 50 (especially on mobile)
  • Now showing total price USD equivalent in Buy/Sell order take forms, not only on the create forms
  • Fixed missing Recharger requirement for yellow energy cells crafting
  • Implemented support for Item Sell quests, not only dust Item Buy (no quests configured yet though)
  • Fixed wrong "Admin: Assign Background" functionality behavior
  • Implemented Dungeon Party Items (Equipment/Loot) concepts (only for admins for now)
March 15, 2022, 16:09
  • Enabled old items market for NEO with 0.10 USD min stack sell price
  • Upgraded item use from inventory to dark theme. Can show/hide groups now!
  • Small UX improvement for Crafting on mobile version: added Back button
  • One more attempt to fix EOS hanging RPC requests for good
  • UI improvements for dungeons system
  • Fixed: text on Chinese language was displayed for user in the "Hot shop" page
March 11, 2022, 17:51
  • Disabling posting new lots in old Items Market and renamed it to Legacy in favour of the spot Offchain Market
  • Removed Dapper and Dapp.com from email login tab (they are still available in ETH tab)
  • Added category tabs in Hot Shop page
  • Added slider to the quantity input in crafting
  • Added dots for season banner
  • Fixed: transparent pop-up was displayed after sending cutie on the adventure after cooldown
  • Fixed small design issue with "Transaction" button in Blockchains tab
  • Books unbinding recipe grouping fix
March 7, 2022, 16:28
  • Increased number of confirmations required for Polygon transaction from 100 to 200 to reduce cases of no effect in the game due to reorg
  • Craft ux update - add recipe id in link
  • Fixed text input caret in option select UI
  • Upgraded breeding page to dark theme
  • Upgraded blockchains integration infrastructure, should fix issues like "EOS RPC node url is not available at the moment"
  • Now updating displayed remaining ingredients state in Timed Crafting when you perform actions
  • Simplified River Phlegethon cutie level requirement to match the item level requirement
  • Fixed old Season Pass purchase popup on old cutie crafting tokens page
  • Fixed ResizeObserver error that took place when you expanded a dropdown and without picking up a value switched to another tab
  • Fixed translation in lottery popup
  • Season balance updates
  • Book of Hell unbinding recipes added
  • Season Background unbinding recipes added
  • Recharge station unbinding recipes added
  • Prophetiae Infernum Page unbinding recipe added
  • Adventure Key item unbinding recipes added
  • Contained Tartaral Energy recipes requirements are adjusted to be more available
  • Key item recipes are adjusted to be more available for players
  • Adjusted Adventure drop rates for ingredients to be more abundant
  • Added shop lots for native and BCUG currencies
  • FIxed rewards in season levels
  • Added missing rewards in season levels
March 1, 2022, 11:32
  • Now using base fee price for Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, should reduce cases when transaction doesn't go through due to insufficient gas price supplied
  • Now supporting mobile software keyboard in selects with completion (for example in Offchain Market items search)
  • Now using offchain currency icons instead of normal blockchan icons and abbreviations in Offchain Market
  • Implemented Dungeons Worlds concept (only for admins for now)
  • Improved UX for cutie genome code on mobile - show tooltips on click
  • Added copy button for pretty-printed genome on Cutie Page
  • Now showing balance on the form when you take a WTS order, same as it is when you place a WTB order
  • Now showing which items are enchantable and which are not in the tooltip
  • Season 7: Infernum started! Check It Out
  • Seasonal Adventures added
  • Seasonal Crafting added
  • Seasonal Cuties added
  • Seasonal Raid Boss added
  • Seasonal Tournaments added
  • Seasonal Hot Shop offers added
  • Seasonal Quests added
  • Ingredient Economy Update Article
  • Season Adventures Mechanic Update Article
February 26, 2022, 23:37
  • Season 7: Infernum started! Check It Out
  • Seasonal Adventures added
  • Seasonal Crafting added
  • Seasonal Cuties added
  • Seasonal Raid Boss added
  • Seasonal Tournaments added
  • Seasonal Hot Shop offers added
  • Seasonal Quests added
  • Seasonal Level Rewards and Alien Invader rewards are now included in item tooltip supply sources list
  • It's now possible to craft regular cuties from eggs obtainable in Hot Shop
  • Fixed EOS "low fee 34974 < 36795" error when breeding
  • Ingredient Economy Update Article
  • Season Adventures Mechanic Update Article
  • Increased season points reward for breeding to 250 per breeding
  • Decreased difficulty of season quests
  • Increased amount of quests that can be completed per interval of time
  • Increased amount of quests that can be skipped per interval of time
  • Decreased interval of quests counter reset
February 21, 2022, 15:58
  • Added two separated lovers. Would you help them reunite? One can be found in the Unique Pet shop, and the second one can be found in HotShop
  • Fixed: Attributes displayed incorrectly on Cuties Market after clicking on any attribute on Cuties page
  • Now showing USD equivalent on Offchain Market Order Creation form as well, not just on the Order Take form
  • Removed the unnecessary adblock disclaimer on login
  • Improved global error reporting, now including an ID in the popup, should not need to screenshot console anymore, the team can get needed details from this error ID
February 14, 2022, 18:27
  • Fixed: Attributes displayed incorrectly on Cuties Market after clicking on any attribute on Cuties page
  • Now showing USD equivalent on Offchain Market Order Creation form as well, not just on the Order Take form
  • Removed the unnecessary adblock disclaimer on login
  • Improved global error reporting, now including an ID in the popup, should not need to screenshot console anymore, the team can get needed details from this error ID
February 12, 2022, 16:56
  • Upgraded Use Item form on cutie page to dark theme popup
  • Fixed: Blockchains tab showed "TronLink is not connected" error and infinite loader due to state in localStorage
  • Fixed: User was able to send cutie as a gift to himself
  • Dropped 250 dependencies on legacy functionality that caused troubles for pages load speed improvements
February 7, 2022, 12:21
  • Fixed page navigation issues that started last Friday
  • Upgraded Cutie Sire Form to Dark Theme popup
  • Fixed: Quickly clicking on different filters caused Race Condition and sometimes resulted in displayed cuties that don't match latest filters state
  • Fixed various equipped item visual bugs
  • Infrastructural upgrade of notifications events queue
  • Some global code improvements on old pages
  • Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then')" when breeding on ETH
February 6, 2022, 15:07
  • Fixed: 0-100 dust reward was incorrectly displayed instead of 95-100 for items valued as 0.95-1 dust
  • Improved error messages in Forge
  • Now showing unhandled global errors in the UI, not just in the console, should eliminate remaining places on the site where you clicking a button, but nothing happens
  • Implemented support for adventure consumables that may be either Personal or Sellable
  • Improved validation message displayed for user if he tries to stake more BCUG than he has on contract
  • Fixed: Show Groups was resetting when hide/show filters was used
February 1, 2022, 12:57
  • Fixed growing/shrinking auction price issues that caused errors on attempt to breed/purchase
  • Rebalanced collectible items dustible status
  • Fixed: user was not able to login NEO with private key if previously wrong password was provided in transaction confirmation pop-up
  • Brought multi-attributes search to all cutie list pages
  • Fixed: wrong Ethereum address validation error instead of "Wrong Ethereum account" in blockchains pop-up
  • Improvements to the Discovered Tributes/Uniques stats page
  • Show more details in addition to the "error in contract" on the purchase popup
  • Enabled Tributes/Uniques stats page at Marketplace -> Fancy Stats
January 26, 2022, 23:29
  • Fixed attribute search only suggesting fancies
  • Fixed: address in Metamask didn't match with players address, but information was displayed.
  • Removed some outdated functionality of bidding system
  • Optimized session ping process
  • Fixed: "Sell Cutie" pop-up didn't show cutie non-personal items
  • Fixed: Wrong behavior in the dropdown list after removing attribute/item
  • Fixed: Validation message mismatch during recycling cancelation
  • Fixed: User could import tron private key entering incomplete part of the key
  • Fixed: Improvement for BCUG shop in activity page, now showing the amount of BCUG spent
January 25, 2022, 01:21
  • Exhaustion defence debuff now scales with level. Lower level cuties will suffer less from it, while higher level cuties - more. See adventure cooldown popup.
  • New dungeon consumable available in silver shop: Speed Powder. It reduces action cooldown.
  • Underpowered NPCs in adventures were rebalanced - it should now be a challenge to beat them even on higher levels
  • Optimized item images - they should load faster on devices with slow internet now
  • Optimized cutie background images - they should load faster on devices with slow internet now
  • Reordered items to respect chronology of seasons and to hide past season junk items from the inventory
  • Added various helpful buttons in inventory item popup: "Craft" on ingredients, "Hatch" on eggs, "Enchant" on toolkits, etc...
  • Upgraded WoC marketing pages to the new framework
  • Fixed adventure battle report share link
  • Added legacy NEO filter on My Cuties (to help mass-migrate them to N3)
  • Fixed luck/evasion calculation that was apparent in Neo vs Hikami battles
  • Improved rewards in some quests, introduced enhanced Elixir of Fortitude item
January 21, 2022, 16:58
  • Fix, HECO/MATIC private key login did not show the error message on UI when input had invalid format
  • BCUG Staking page UI fixes
  • Fixed Infinite loader deadlock on Tron island purchase when energy confirmation is required
  • Fix, center NPCs displayed on adventure page
  • Fix consistency of UI when opening the game right after confirming the email
  • Fix, "Copy" button on "Blockchains" page always copied the address from the same blockchain even if you switch the tab
  • Added Header Menu's vertical centering for unauthorized users
  • Fixed Alien Invader cycled background
  • Upgraded Hot Shop functionality to support non-blockchain prices (will be used later)
January 19, 2022, 12:33
  • Now possible to create cutie and items art that would be wider than standard viewbox
  • Improved the looks of arrow buttons on the cutie page
  • Bumped infrastructure libraries on the server, should improve stability and performance
  • Created Changelly Santa Claus Cutie
  • Corrected copyright text at the Chinese version of main landing
  • Preparations of the content for the Season 7
January 12, 2022, 22:42
  • Now formatting genome with colors and tooltips on every digit (similar to DCM)
  • Added Next/Previous cutie buttons on the cutie page
  • Improved speed of Activities page load even further
  • Improved item configuration infrastructure, effect configuration updates will be delivered much faster, opens possibility for more custom effect items like Experience Potion
  • Improved asset visuals generation code quality, should make cutie images more stable
January 10, 2022, 12:04
  • Fixed broken session for people who tried to login via password without confirming the email
  • Improved code responsible for Tron transactions and authentication, should reduce the number of random UI bugs and make it magnitudes easier to fix them
  • Implemented draft version of the Dungeons system (available only to admins for now)
January 4, 2022, 20:20
  • Fixed mobile markup bug that made the cheapest buy order sellable instead of most profitable one
  • Enabled Offchain Currency support for HECO
  • Now listing all user's open orders in the bottom of any item page in Offchain Market
  • Choosing HECO or Matic in login popup will now automatically switch MetaMask to correct network
  • Cutie purchase popup now shows equipment, not just naked cutie
  • Fixed wrong USD price displayed in the NEO confirmation popup
December 30, 2021, 23:16
  • Offchain Market (Buy Orders) launched. Let's Trade!
  • Fixed trailing zero truncation in activities that affected whole part of the number
  • Fixed infinite loader when purchasing cutie on HECO Sale using private key
  • Now offering to attach the blockchain when required on Offchain Currency Withdrawal form
December 30, 2021, 00:17
  • Offchain Market (Buy Orders) launched. Let's Trade!
  • Fixed Claim All issues for people with some old tournament rewards
December 28, 2021, 19:14
  • Now showing max fee limit in purchase popup on TRON blockchain
  • Upgraded cutie sell form UI to dark theme
  • More Offchain Market launch preparations
December 27, 2021, 12:33
  • UI improvements of Marketplace -> All page
  • Dramatically speed up activities page load at expense of removing last page indicator
  • Remove Summer 2021 season buff from displayed stats
  • Improve code quality of Inventory page for future updates
  • Offchain Market launch preparations
December 22, 2021, 16:30
  • Breeding fee server update preparations
  • Upgrade Marketplace -> All page to load faster and support filtering by multiple attributes
December 21, 2021, 20:51
  • Activity page design improvements
  • Fixed chart, store transaction value as decimal currency for HECO activities same as for other blockchains
  • Impove crafting premium slot styles
  • Preparations for Offchain Market and Marketplace -> All Optimization
December 20, 2021, 15:54
  • Now using personal quick slot potions before sellable ones
  • Now header menu links are clickable with middle-mouse button and ctrl+click
  • Fixed, attach did not take place when you tried to buy something on a new blockchain
  • Fixed, "Hide Equipped Items" button did not work
  • Now showing a friendly message instead of infinite loader when server is restarting
  • Fixed, Gift Popup wrong metamask network error was silently logged to console without reflecting on UI
  • Enabled browser text auto-completion in Gift Popup address input (existed in the old Gift page, esesoyyo asked to bring it back)
  • Implement informational tags on items functionality (only for admins for now)
  • Improved code quality of cutie lists UI (needed for speed up in next releases)
December 20, 2021, 05:38
  • HECO Blockchain has been launched!
  • Check out the bespoke HECO collection > here <
December 16, 2021, 12:29
  • Preparing to launch the new blockchain...
December 16, 2021, 12:29
  • Added Special Tributes for many Cutie numbers for different blockchains
  • Removed Halloween Boss energies from Hot Shop
December 6, 2021, 15:23
  • Optimized Timed Crafting data retrieval - recipes should load faster now
  • Now showing unlockable crafting slots speed boost and putting better ones first rather than last
  • Winter adventures themes
  • Added action button on chat messages: Reply/Delete/etc...
  • Optimized data retrieval for item info tooltip. Should improve performance on pages like Hot Shop, Tournaments, Crafting
  • Improved UI code quality of Win/Lose activities
  • Implemented a new adventure mechanic to be used in the season
November 29, 2021, 16:39
  • Removed old season pass requirements from tournaments
  • Set the end date for crafting Ingredients, Halloween
November 23, 2021, 14:54
  • Optimized Crafting tab limits retrieval query
  • Fix, OpenSea Shirt did not display on the Cutie
  • Display sources info on enchantment tab toolkit icons
  • Fix, if user used private key in game instead of wallet then he was not able to reject transaction correctly
  • You can now submit the form with Enter key when importing mnemonic
  • Implemented item discovery API in Offchain Market (available only for admins for now)
  • Slightly improved quality of code responsible for Matic login
November 17, 2021, 15:06
  • Redesign purchase confirmation popups for proper GAS/energy/etc... check against the balance on account
  • Check player active network when making a transaction
November 15, 2021, 15:39
  • Fix, tournament cutie selection popup did not reflect the initial filters in UI
  • Fix, item rarity color didn't work in the Forge correctly.
  • Fix Norse Husband's Horn was rendered below cape
  • Chat UI concurrency fixes (duplicate messages sent on multiple Enter key presses)
  • Automatically place player in the chat channel that corresponds their browser language
  • Keep selected cuties checkboxes when going on previous page
  • Include concrete HTTP status code in API responses - will be easier to report bugs
November 11, 2021, 14:11
  • Added language channel select to the chat
  • Launched Halloween Raid Boss Ichoridan
November 11, 2021, 08:15
  • Add a simple public chat on My Cuties page
  • Forbid setting a name that is already taken by some other user
  • Launched Halloween Raid Boss Ichoridan
  • Fixed Summer tournaments end date (now Summer tournaments are available again)
  • Updated end date of Halloween recipes
November 9, 2021, 11:32
  • Optimize cutie list retrieval, relevant pages should now load a bit faster
  • Prevent hanging IN_PROGRESS state of tournaments when server gets restarted in the middle of processing
  • Fix various equipment display layer issues: render wings and similar equipment above the tail, render Overseer hand below the coat
  • Remove some flood messages from the browser console, should be easier to report bugs now ^_^
  • Increase resolution of Halloween 2021 adventure image
  • Halloween milestones progress patch
  • Make Season boss quests count Cyber-Daegnaar as well
  • Daywalker Set cutie list card image preview fix
  • Implement cutie birth time based rules for some attributes (available only to admins for now)
  • Implement adventure equipment requirement rotation (available only to admins for now)
  • Use single rule for both personal and non-personal versions of an item, should eliminate the possibility situations when a personal version is rendered differently than sellable one
November 8, 2021, 16:27
  • Decrease Creator Workbench unguessed recipe consolation reward from 1500 to 350 Dust (this time permanently)
  • Fix missing non-english translations on some items, including Halloween crafting ingredients
November 3, 2021, 23:48
  • Display the error messages when button click in login popup is not working
  • Fix EOS Private Key unlock did not work on a page that was opened from pasting a direct link in address bar
November 2, 2021, 11:39
  • Show NPC Diseases info on adventure page
  • Few equipment body parts incorrect display fixes mentioned on github
  • Implement Offchain Currency p2p Sell Orders for Item Market (only available for admins for now)
  • Lock adventure select popup when you select the adventure and request is still in progress to avoid accidental multiple clicks.
  • Improve personal items stats configuration: reduce sellable/personal duplication. Should prevent stats inconsistencies between sellable/personal versions of an item.
October 29, 2021, 13:36
  • Tron energy fee cost update after Tron Netwrok decision to raise it from 140 to 280 - fixes OUT-OF-ENERGY contract error when breeding
  • Show actual error message instead of empty error popup in EOS when no RPC are available
October 28, 2021, 22:53
  • New adventure: Abandoned Mortuary
  • New craftable item recipes in "Halloween" tab of the Crafting page
  • Page with Halloween global challenges for all players added
  • Now using item tag based system for Season Buff definition, showing an indicator on tournaments, dungeons, adventures, bosses where season buff applies
October 20, 2021, 16:21
  • BC-2980 Fix, replace built-in browser confirm dialog when applying blue pots on a group. The old solution did not work on browsers that block popups, like Wombat mobile
  • BC-2927 Fix, after password reset user was able to close pop-up and received white screen
  • BC-2892 Implement system to craft random cutie of a specific GEN from a token (available only to admins for now)
  • BC-2279 Implement Offchain Currency p2p Item Buy Orders (available only to admins for now)
  • BC-2970 Add Halloween content
October 19, 2021, 15:50
  • The game will now ask for confirmation when user is applying blue pots on a group to prevent accidental item burn
  • Fixed Personal items not showing in the children/parents list cutie preview cards on the cutie page
  • Fixed broken Cutie page adventure cooldown tier list tooltip
  • Fixed Cutie page header price display
  • Add NEO private key import validation when it is used as a login method
  • Fixed the "I agree to receive emails" tickbox to behave as the rest of the page and only save status upon clicking "Save" in the settings page
  • Improve the genome body parts render rules configuration to simplify process of fixing incorrectly displaying items
October 14, 2021, 11:18
  • BC-2894 Fix "Show Groups" filter not being aware of the remaining filters state
  • BC-2822 Updated the group management utility menus. They will now fit the design of the website and be more enjoyable to use
  • BC-2908 Updated the crafting system with a few small features, in preparation for Halloween
  • BC-2912 Fix: Kote was not purchasable on the remaining blockchains
  • BC-2842 Added more simulation tools for testing and prototyping (Backend)
October 8, 2021, 23:49
  • New Raidboss: Cyber Daegna'ar! He's back for blood!
  • Gang Scrap Companion (Item and Schematic)
  • Egg Priest Scepter (Item and Schematic)
  • Egg Priest Robes (Item and Schematic)
  • The Egg Shrine (Item and Schematic)
  • Militech Ballistic Rifle (Item and Schematic)
  • Militech Trooper Armor (Item and Schematic)
  • Militech Rail Turret (Item and Schematic)
  • Added EOS support for Offchain Currencies service.
  • Reinforced Email Login security with several new features
  • Fixed Bubblegum Set Paws clipping through
  • Fixed the 10k NEO Cutie Genome in-game decoding to attributes. It now reads the attributes correctly
  • Fixed an issue with EOS siring activities
  • Updated Offchain Wallet Deposit page UX and UI to be more user-friendly
  • "Blockchains" submenu rework to VUE. New look and feel!
  • Fixed a bunch of "Blockchains" submenu features
September 28, 2021, 13:20
  • Fixed a UI issue where players couldn't rename Cuties if their name was saved with 1 character which was just a space.
  • Fixed Cuties state that caused an error when equipping/unequipping items from a Cutie. (Double equip in one item slot bug) Thank you, MoonMama!
  • Fixed a bug caused by some older recipes to cause "All slots are busy!" error notification when attempting to craft in the forge.
  • Added a tooltip to items in storefronts in the game like the lootbox shop and HotShop for mobile users. Now, tapping on the item's picture will open a description for that item.
  • Updated the way how PawCoins are processed on the back-end for Lvl10+ Cuties. This will improve the game's stability and performance overall.
  • Updated back-end of HotShop so that price remains persistent over restarts if an item hasn't had a purchase yet.
September 21, 2021, 11:55
  • Updated email testing infrastructure
  • Updated save button UX in the Settings page. It will react accordingly now, letting the players know that it's processing the action
  • Updated admin player search parameters that will help with support
  • Fixed an issue with the BubbleGum Set Bionic Arms with plasma claws, where they overlapped everything when equipped. They will show correctly with other items now.
  • Updated the tournament page to have a loader when claiming prizes. Now, when a prize is claimed the button will become inactive while the process of claiming the reward is being processed.
  • Fixed a visual bug where the wrong header menu was selected when navigating through the website
  • Updated UX for Cutie Page adventure quick-send. It will react to action much faster now, and it will give a prompt to the action confirming the action as well
September 14, 2021, 13:29
  • Fixed an issue when buttons change size upon being pressed.
  • Updated explorative aspects for crafting for unknown recipes
  • Fixed the Dealer's head item layering over Cutie's hair, instead of hiding it.
  • Fixed an issue where personal items wouldn't display on Cuties in previews on the items page under "Item is equipped on those Cuties"
  • Updated the Old Glory Point image.
  • Back-end and other maintenance
  • Sprinkled some magic dust on Cutie's item data tables and how they are processed. This should increase game performance.
  • Optimized the way item stacks work server-side.
  • Server optimizations have been done to make server restarts even smoother!
  • Gameplay and Misc.
September 8, 2021, 18:21
  • Added a fresh new info page in the game that shows all the basic info regarding Season Points. Yay! Guides!
  • Fixed a bug where a "Ruins of Nyoto" quest displayed Ancient Heirloom's level requirement as enchantment level
  • Fixed an issue in crafting tables where requirements text would become green even though there are not enough resources to craft the item.
  • Updated the way the Cutie preview card is generated in the Adventure pages. Personal items wouldn't display correctly before.
  • Updated the USD price calculation tooltip for Cutie and Item sales. Now it should show Coin/USD rate in USD for a rough estimate of the item or Cutie price without any additional estimations for blockchain transactions.
  • Optimized the All Cuties page. This will improve overall performance and lower server loads as a whole
  • Optimized Crafting Page code, it should be zipping quite fast now
  • Optimized sending bulk amounts of Cuties to adventures! This will speed up the process of adventuring for larger size folders
  • Added infrastructural improvements to the game servers, making them more stress-resistant during peak hours
September 7, 2021, 21:51
  • Added a fresh new info page in the game that shows all the basic info regarding Season Points. Yay! Guides!
  • Fixed a bug where a "Ruins of Nyoto" quest displayed Ancient Heirloom's level requirement as enchantment level
  • Fixed an issue in crafting tables where requirements text would become green even though there are not enough resources to craft the item.
  • Updated the way the Cutie preview card is generated in the Adventure pages. Personal items wouldn't display correctly before.
  • Updated the USD price calculation tooltip for Cutie and Item sales. Now it should show Coin/USD rate in USD for a rough estimate of the item or Cutie price without any additional estimations for blockchain transactions.
  • Optimized the All Cuties page. This will improve overall performance and lower server loads as a whole
  • Optimized Crafting Page code, it should be zipping quite fast now
  • Optimized sending bulk amounts of Cuties to adventures! This will speed up the process of adventuring for larger size folders
  • Added infrastructural improvements to the game servers, making them more stress-resistant during peak hours
August 30, 2021, 17:55
  • Fixed mobile styles for battle reports, they will appear correctly now.
  • Fixed wonky padding in battle reports that made survival check table look out of place on mobile.
  • Adjusted some Battle Reports to look nicer
  • Updated "Fight" Button in battle reports to have a proper translation in all languages instead of a static "Fight" text.
  • Updated Tournament texts to properly reflect the level ranges where it was incorrect
  • Updated several item descriptions and titles to the correct ones.
  • Added an info icon for the Season page that displays a bit of basic information for newer players
  • Updated enchanting tables where some gear from previous seasons became upgradeable, while it was not supposed to be.
  • Additionally to that, the items that have already been enchanted, will be restored to base levels and players will be refunded the items used to enchant the items. The resource refund is likely to be done on Monday.
  • Updated several crafting positions that had incorrect schematics displayed in the crafting recipes.
August 25, 2021, 21:00
  • Fixed the message that displays in the equipment popup when trying to change gear on a Cutie that's currently looking for a foe in an adventure. It will display the proper message now.
  • Fixed the Cutie activity log bug leading to the wrong page. Pet activity log button from the Cutie page now leads to that Cutie's activity log, not the overall notifications page.
  • Sorting by "Adventure" and "Cooldown" has been added to the sorting options.
  • Fixed an issue where the seller/buyer info was not displayed as it did before the Notification system update. They will appear correctly now, as they did before.
  • Added rounding up of CuteCoin rewards for ease of reading in the notification log.
  • Updated the mobile Group selection submenu to be a bit more user-friendly.
August 1, 2021, 05:44
  • Added "Hot Shop" backend and frontend Support.
  • Added support for switching standard adventures between HP and Round battles.
  • Added support for notifications for HP battle adventures.
  • Added support for different daily caps for Free and Premium season passes.
  • Added BCUG support in Pawshop
  • Updated season pass popups to VUE + Dark Theme.
  • Uploaded Season VI content to the game for further configuration.
  • The notifications page has been updated to VUE.
  • Ready for Adventure page has been updated to VUE.
  • Added response for the "Cancel Auction" button in the item market. It will now show a loading icon after being pressed.
  • USD estimation on items sold for NEOGAS has been fixed and now will display the correct price estimation
  • Added sorting of Cuties by price on the profile page.
  • Added a feature that locks the amount input window in the BCUG staking page if the user did not approve erc20 transactions first.
  • Updated EOS account name checker. Some names were considered incorrect due to specific symbols.
July 14, 2021, 12:06
  • - Reverted the All Pets page sorting to default sorting order to be by Age
  • Unclaimed BCUG on the ETH-BCUG tab is now shown in USD according to the current exchange rate.
  • Added "Total Tokens in Pool" metric to both BCUG and ETH-BCUG tabs.
  • Fixed an error notification that pops up when users cancel a transaction to stake BCUG. It will no longer give an [object Object] notification. Proper notification is displayed.
  • Added an "Unstake All" button to the UI for a 1 click tx call to unstake all of the staked tokens.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Current APY" was giving an incorrect % to users.
  • Fixed an issue listing Enchanted items on the marketplace.
  • Implemented the Debuff and Immunity rework.
July 6, 2021, 18:09
  • Item selling page has been removed. It has been substituted with a popup within the new framework to better the experience and update the visual aspect to a more modern look and feel.
  • Profile Page has been updated to the new framework and now comes in a sleek dark theme. There's already support for some of the future features for those who enjoy flair and personalized profile pages.
  • Updated in-game text in several places to be translated to other languages instead of remaining in English.
  • Improved the new framework for Cutie lists within the following pages:
  • For Sale
  • For Sire
  • Generation 0
  • All
  • My Cuties Market (These will now be much nicer to navigate)
  • Updated the "My Market" page to work within the new framework. It now will have a much smoother experience to use.
  • Tokens page has been updated to a dark theme as well.
  • Released a fix to prevent Cuties being stuck in season\event adventures when the season\event ends and Cuties are still searching for a foe or are in the queue.
  • Patched an issue with the player item market, where listings on the market would become uncancelable.
  • Patched an issue on EOS when a player is trying to gift a Cutie to another player.
  • Fixed an EOS issue where nobility status has been saved incorrectly in the genome.
  • Season Point Limits upgrade. This feature will allow the team to be more flexible with SP settings between SP holders and free players.
  • Crafting system update that will allow for multiple additional automatic actions and functions.
  • Season Class system. This feature will allow for the season-level paths to be broken down into brackets\classes and be more visually informative.
July 1, 2021, 18:11
  • Updated Tron Contracts to calculate precise energy consumption for transactions. (With and Without Cutie update) This should lower the transaction cost on average.
  • Paw Shop set item tooltips are now displayed correctly.
  • Wrong rarity of Christmas holiday items fixed
  • Added support for Cutie purchases utilizing $BCUG
  • Added a new purchase popup for players to select which blockchain to Purchase the Unique Cuties on using $BCUG
  • Added the first $BCUG exclusive Cuties collection
  • Added animated backgrounds for all exclusive BCUG Cuties
    March 5, 2018, 00:00
    • BCU_lang_changelog_DELETE-ME_eof